Nathan H. Schumaker
I specialize in the development of predictive wildlife models. My research spans the fields of conservation biology, landscape ecology, genetics, and epidemiology. The overarching goal of my work is the development of scientifically defensible theory, technology, and methods that improve wildlife conservation and inform policy. To this end, I collaborate with scientists and conservation practitioners throughout the world. Below, I describe some focal areas that characterize my contributions.
Simulation modeling
Designed and developed the HexSim life history simulator.
Wrote the HexSim model documentation.
Designed and maintain the model's website.
Conservation practice
Used HexSim, and its predecessor PATCH, in the development of spatial simulation models for >55 different wildlife species.
Conservation theory
Conceived of and constructed novel research methods that bring biological detail, individual behavior, species interactions, and meaningful disturbance regimes to assessments of population trends, source-sink dynamics, and measures of landscape connectivity. Developed new approaches to predict spatio-temporal patterns of gene flow and disease spread in real-world systems.
I teach classes and train students at Oregon State University and the University of Washington.
I have helped train >25 postdocs and graduate students.
Outreach and training
Co-founded the Computational Ecology Group ( to generate opportunities for early-career conservation biologists. CEG outreach emphasizes collaborations with researchers in developing countries.